
Shut Your Monkey

Hear that voice in your head? The one that nitpicks all your new ideas? That's your monkey. And we're gonna shut it down! SHUT YOUR MONKEY: The Podcast is going to give you a weekly dose of moral support and practical advice. With intelligence, wit, and compassion, best-selling author Danny Gregory and his weekly guests will delve deep into your head and pull that monkey out. We'll explore creative blocks, missed deadlines, tantrums, procrastination, perfectionism, and all the old monkey tricks. And we'll leave you super-charged, inspired and ready to start making your best work. Based on the new, life-changing book — available everywhere.
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Hear that voice in your head? The one that nitpicks all your new ideas? That's your monkey. And we're gonna shut it down!

SHUT YOUR MONKEY: The Podcast is going to give you a weekly dose of moral support and practical advice. With intelligence, wit, and compassion, best-selling author Danny Gregory and his weekly guests will delve deep into your head and pull that monkey out. 

We'll explore creative blocks, missed deadlines, tantrums, procrastination, perfectionism, and all the old monkey tricks. And we'll leave you super-charged, inspired and ready to start making your best work.

Based on the new, life-changing book — available everywhere. Click to find out more!


Jul 8, 2016

This week we’ll discuss how the monkey uses alcohol, drugs, overeating and other destructive habits to interfere with our creativity. This week's guest is Victor Yocco, the  author and psychologist.

Click here to find out more about Victor's new book, Design for the Mind - Seven Psychological Principles of Persuasive Design Use the discount code: yoccomupad to get 39% off the book if you order through the publisher.
Monkey of the Week: the Enabler. It’s that voice that says: Have a drink, you deserve it. Get high, it’ll make you more creative. Act like a prima donna if you want anyone to take you seriously.

What’s your experience with your monkey? How has it affected you, and how have you overcome it? Record your Monkey Tale at

This podcast is brought to you by Sketchbook Skool, online art klasses that inspire you how to be creative—no matter what your monkey tries to tell you. See what it’s like to take a klass, and use the promo code MONKEY to save 20 percent off your first kourse. Take that, monkey…